Jacky Lui is an Australian lawyer specialised in resolving disputes in the energy, mining and technology sectors. He has worked with clients including governments and companies. Notably, he has successfully defended governments in cases involving the environment and sustainable development. Owing to an interest in emerging technology, Jacky has programming knowledge of Python language and is skilled with data analytics, machine learning and building AI models.

He received a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Commerce from UNSW Sydney, and completed a Masters of Laws at Humboldt University of Berlin.

Selected Publications & Speaking Engagements:

J. Lui,
'Cyberattacks and the Legality of Hackbacks: International and Transatlantic Law Perspectives’, Transatlantic Law Journal (2024) (Subscription required)

J. Lui et al., 'European Commission Publishes Non-Paper of Model Clauses for Member States’ Bilateral Investment Agreements with Third Countries', Kluwer Arbitration Blog (2024)

Guest Lecturer, ‘International Disputes and the Energy Sector’ and ‘Corruption, Fraud and Arbitration’, Humboldt University of Berlin (2024)

J. Lui et al. 'Climate Disputes – German Court compels Federal Government to adopt Emergency Programs for Climate Protection', ESG Notes, Herbert Smith Freehills (2024)

Panellist, ‘What comes first: Investment Protection or Environmental Protection’, ICC YAAF, 13th Prague Investment Treaty Arbitration Conference hosted by Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic (2023)


Berlin Marathon Fundraiser for Ukraine (2024)